Healing &Preventing a herniated disc through Stretching and Pilates

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10/10/20231 min read

How you can prevent and protect a herniated disc through stretching and Pilates

Our spine contains 24 vertebrae, in between each vertebrae we have discs, a soft jelly-like substance that act like cushions. Often discs can slip out and push on surrounding nerves, also called slipped or ruptured.

Herniations are most common in the lower back but can happen at any place in the spine. This condition can be very painful, especially with activity. Even small movements can put pressure on those pinched nerves, causing radiating pain down the leg if ruptured in the lumbar spine, or in the arm if located in the cervical spine.

As we age our discs break down and lose their cushioning, increasing the risk even greater.


  1. When stretching the muscles in the back, their flexibility is improved, helping them stabilize the disc herniation area. Overall endurance and circulation are also improved and symptoms subside.

  2. Movement in the thoracic spine helps keep the lumbar or low back stable

  3. Pilates reduces tension on the discs and joints. It involves controlled movements and allows the body to follow a particular range of motion exercises to strengthen the muscles, mobilize the spine, and stabilize the condition of the body. Over time the exercises force the “jelly” or nucleus to deviate away from the nerve and back to its natural place.


~To feel better overall, it can be difficult not only physically but mentally or emotionally

~Strengthen the muscles around the injury or herniation to reduce pressure on the spine

~To prevent and assist you in compensating for the injury. Some people walk with their weight on one side, stand crooked, hunched, or limp. You can end up with further and other injuries in other parts of your body.

~Improving core strength and flexibility is the best way to prevent disc issues.