How to get back Pain relief through stretching and traction

5/6/20241 min read

How to get back pain relief through stretching and spinal traction

There are 80% of Americans  who experience back pain at least one or more times a year, many have chronic back issues.

Some have pain to the point that their daily activities are limited.

Assisted stretching uses some manual “traction” to help relieve some joint compression as well as lengthening the muscles. The therapist uses their hands to “pull” or put force at the muscles and joints to widen the space present between the vertebrae.

There are also inversion tables, that range from professional to small tables used in the home for personal use. This also allows for intermittent and continuous stretching while you are on the table.


  1. Stretches the space between the vertebrae in the spine and relieves back pain.

  1. It eases pressure off the back while providing traction for the spine 

  1. Creates productive fluid and space around the spinal discs

  1. Decreases inflammation

  1. Increases circulation through the surrounding muscles

  1. Improves posture-micromovements in the spine and joints over time makes the body stronger and ore flexible

  1. Reduces overall compression which leads to less pain

  1. Helps relax the muscles

  1. Inversion tables shifts the  body’s gravity and pressure eases off the back

 Exercises can be done during or in combination with traction therapy to maximize the benefits of treatment. Exercises can be tailored to target specific areas, such as the neck, lower back, or whole spine, and can help to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and restore natural mobility. Some exercises that can be used in combination with traction therapy include: 

Neck exercises – Stretches and strengthening exercises that target the muscles in the neck and shoulder area;

• Back exercises – Stretches and strengthening exercises that target the muscles in the lower back, such as the core and back extensors;

• Core exercises – Exercises that target the abdominal and back muscles to improve strength and control in the core

• Balance exercises – Exercises to improve balance and coordination, such as single-leg stands, heel-to-toe walking, and yoga poses.