Why you have sciatic pain and how to get relief

2/22/20241 min read

Why you have sciatic pain and how to get relief

The sciatic is a bundle of nerves that comes from nerve roots branching off your spinal cord. You have two of them, one on each side that runs through your hip and buttock, under the piriformis muscle, down the leg to just below the knee.

Most common causes of sciatica pain:

  • Poor posture

  • Spinal issues such as scoliosis, herniated disc, stenosis, etc.

  • Excess weight

  • Lifestyle and job, especially lifting or sitting/ standing too long

  • Smoking- decreases circulation


  1. STRETCHING- it reduces compression when you stretch the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve. Those muscles loosen up and alleviate pressure on the nerve. It increases blood flow and decreases circulation. Regular stretching of the lower body enhances flexibility of your muscles and it is easier to move more freely without irritation.

It also reduces relaxation and overall tension.

  1. STRENGTHEN- it is important to strengthen low back muscles, abdominals, hamstrings, and hips ( core muscles). A strong core supports the spine and may take some of the weight off of the surrounding tissues. By engaging and strengthening those muscles, you can help alleviate sciatic pain and prevent future flare ups. Simple movements such as bridging, pelvic tilts, planks, opposite reaches on the hands and knees, and supermans are all a good place to start and can be done on a daily basis.

Professional stretching can help the effectiveness of your sciatic stretches. The sciatic nerve is sensitive and sometimes hard to pinpoint. Trained therapists understand the body’s mechanics and are able to isolate and focus on the correct muscles to be stretched.